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Katy ISD 2025-2026 Instructional Calendar

Katy ISD 2025-2026 Calendar Approved

Katy ISD 2025-2026 Calendar Approved on January 22, 2024 following a survey of over 11,000 participants of two different options.

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Earlier this week, at its January 22nd meeting, the Katy ISD School Board gave its unanimous approval for the 2025 – 2026 school year, which will start on August 13, 2025 and wrap up for seniors only on May 15, 2026, with juniors, sophomores, and freshman ending the school year on May 21st.

Holidays this year will include:

September 1, 2025
October 13, 2025
November 24 – 28, 2025 (Thanksgiving Holiday)
December 22, 2025 – January 2, 2026 (Winter Holiday)
March 9 – 13, 2026 (Spring Break)
April 3, 2026

Two calendar options were presented, according to district CCO Andrea Grooms, on a survey administered to over 11,000 participants between December 8th and January 8th. “Participants overwhelmingly voted for Option A” said Grooms during the January 22nd meeting. “We had about 11,500 participants and 80% of them voted for that calendar option.”

Survey participants cited the earlier start and end dates as their reasoning for choosing Option A.

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